What are the 10 Foods that Cause Kidney Stones?

Kidney Stones Disease Symptoms

What are the 10 Foods that Cause Kidney Stones?

March 29, 2024 0

Kidney stones (also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis) are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form within the kidney. As urine passes through the kidneys, it can become extremely concentrated. When urine becomes too concentrated, calcium, uric acid salts, and other chemicals dissolved in it crystallise to form a kidney stone, also known as renal calculus. Typically, calculus is the size of a little pebble.

Before we go into what foods cause stones in kidneys, let’s go over the reasons for their formation.

The leading causes of stones in kidney

  • Insufficient fluid intake
  • Chronic infections in urinary tracts.
  • Urinary tract obstruction
  • Misuse of some medications.
  • Genetic and metabolic disorders
  • A diet with high uric content

 Food to avoid Kidney Stones

Our diet plays a significant role in development as well as the elimination of several diseases including kidney stones. Let’s understand some dietary reasons behind the formation of kidney stones so that we can be better prepared.

  • Consuming too much salt: Salt can increase sodium levels and lead to calcium buildup in the body. Always check the labels on packaged and processed foods to see how much sodium they contain. 
  • Consuming foods high in oxalates: Consuming foods high in oxalates can induce kidney stones, so choose wisely. Foods high in oxalate include almonds, tea, chocolate, beets, spinach, sweet potatoes, and so on. You must avoid or limit your consumption of these foods because they are a primary cause of the creation of new kidney stones.
  • Reduce your animal protein consumption: Foods including red meat, pork, eggs, poultry, and fish enhance uric acid production while decreasing citrate levels in urine. Citrate’s role is to inhibit the production of kidney stones. Therefore, uric acid production must be controlled. As a result, it is best to avoid consuming certain foods in excess, as they can lead to kidney stones.
  • Minimise the use of added sugars: Added sugars, such as syrups used in drinks and processed foods, can lead to kidney stones. Keep an eye on how much sugar you ingest from cakes, fruits, soft drinks, and juices. When ingested in excess, these foods can lead to kidney stones.
  • Carbonated beverages/Cola: Cola includes phosphate, which can cause kidney stones. Phosphate stone crystals form when calcium atoms combine with phosphoric acid rather than oxalic acid, producing calcium phosphate kidney stones. So, avoid carbonated drinks if you want to avoid kidney stones. 
  • Processed foods: Processed foods include phosphorus, a common ingredient and preservative that can lead to kidney stones. If packaged or frozen food contains ingredients beginning with ‘phos,’ you should read the label. Phosphorus, if ingested in excess, can create kidney stones. To avoid kidney stones, limit your consumption of processed foods.
  • High-dose vitamin C supplements: When the body excretes an excess of vitamin C, it does so in the form of oxalates, a waste product. Consuming too many vitamin C-rich meals might lead to kidney stones. It has the potential to raise the quantity of oxalate in your urine, increasing the risk of developing kidney stones.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine dehydrates the body by causing it to lose fluids. This raises the risk of acquiring kidney stones.
  • Alcohol: Heavy alcohol consumption can cause dehydration, interference with normal renal function, and an increased risk of kidney stones. 
  • Avoid Fructose-rich foods: Fructose-rich foods include a variety of fruits and sweeteners, in addition to sugar-sweetened beverages. These include high fructose corn syrup, honey, agave syrup, apples, grapes, and grape juice.

Treatment of Stone in Kidney

The treatment of stones in the Kidney differs according to the type of stone and its source. If it is small stones with minor symptoms, usually doctors advise drinking 2 to 3 liters of water a day. Pain relievers and medical therapy are also used to relieve the pain of kidney stones. If you have developed a large stone, then using then doctors may even use sound waves to break the stone. In severe cases, doctors may also perform surgery to remove the stone from the Kidney.

Kidney stones can be annoying and excruciatingly painful at worst. To prevent your situation from worsening, you should see a healthcare provider as soon as possible. The pain can become severe, and surgery may be required. Ensure to take your prescriptions on time, drink plenty of water, and adhere to any dietary advice. Remember that kidney stones are a transitory condition. They will not trouble you forever.

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