Dr. Alok Kumar Pandey

Dr. Alok Kumar Pandey
Dr. Alok is currently associated with Regency Hospital as Consultant in Nephrology & Renal Transplant. Having an experience of 9+ years he has worked as senior resident in the nephrology unit of department of Medicine, KGMU, Lucknow for 3 years, have been a DM resident in department of Renal sciences in SMS Medical college, Jaipur for another 3 years and finally worked as consultant nephrology and Renal transplant in Manipal hospital Jaipur for 2.5 years as well before joining Regency.
- DM- Nephrology: SMS Medical College Jaipur
- MD- Medicine: KG Medical University Lucknow
- MBBS: Eras’s Medical college Lucknow
Clinical Interests
- HD catheter insertion (both short term an Perma Cath)
- AV fistula formation
- Acute PD
- CAPD catheter insertion
- Renal biopsy (both native and graft)
- Newer dialysis techniques like HDF AND CRRT.
- Live and cadaveric donor Renal transplant including Blood Group incompatible (ABOi) Renal transplant.
Place: Regency Superspeciality Hospital, Lucknow
OPD: 10am to 4pm
Days: Mon to Sat
More about
Dr. Alok
- Accomplishments & Awards
- Publications & Research
- Memberships
- Medical Council Registration
- Certificate course in EVIDENCE BASED MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES under Public health foundation of India
- Short term study under ICMR on “MRSA related pyoderma in children and renal involvement”
- Oro-poster presentation on “Spectrum of etiology of AKI in renal allograft recipient” in ISOTCON-2017
- Poster presentation on “Renal response to bortezomib based therapy in patients of multiple myeloma with severe renal impairment” in ISNCON-2017
- Oral presentation on “All crescentic GN are not RPGN similar to vice versa” in NZ- ISNCON-2018.
- Prevalence of Hand Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation with Microvascular Complications.A Pandey, K Usman, H Reddy, M Gutch,1N Jain, and SA QidwaiAnn Med Health Sci Res. 2013 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 349–354.
- Letter to editor,Short Term Renal Outcome of Bortezomib Based Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Requiring Dialysis, Alok Kumar Pandey,DhananjaiAgarwal, VinayRathore, GauravSekhar Sharma, Shyam Sunder Nowal, PankajBeniwal, Rajesh Jhorawat, VinayMalhotra, SanjeevSharma,Departments of Nephrology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Acute viral encephalitis clinical features and outcome: Experience from a tertiary center of North India,Sukriti Kumar1, Alok Kumar Pandey2, Manish Gutch3, Syed Mohd Razi3, Abhinav Gupta3, Nirdesh Jain2, Shobhit Shakya2, Keshav Kumar Gupta Year: 2015 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page: 262-266
- Spectrum of asymptomatic bacteriuria in renal allograft recipients and its short-term effect on graft outcome: Experience of a Tertiary Care Center from Northwest India, GauravShekhar Sharma, DhananjayAgarwal, VinayRathore, Alok Kumar Pandey, Rajesh Jhorawat, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, PankajBeniwal, VinayMalhotra. Year: 2019 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 1 | Page: 20-24.
- Life member – Association of physician of India (API),
- Life member – Research society for study of diabetes in India (RSSDI),
- Life member – Indian society of nephrology (ISN)
- Life member – Indian society of organ transplant (ISOT)
- UPMC-55745
- Accomplishments & Awards
- Publications & Research
- Memberships
- Medical Council Registration
Accomplishments & Awards
- Certificate course in EVIDENCE BASED MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES under Public health foundation of India
- Short term study under ICMR on “MRSA related pyoderma in children and renal involvement”
- Oro-poster presentation on “Spectrum of etiology of AKI in renal allograft recipient” in ISOTCON-2017
- Poster presentation on “Renal response to bortezomib based therapy in patients of multiple myeloma with severe renal impairment” in ISNCON-2017
- Oral presentation on “All crescentic GN are not RPGN similar to vice versa” in NZ- ISNCON-2018.
Publications & Research
- Prevalence of Hand Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation with Microvascular Complications.A Pandey, K Usman, H Reddy, M Gutch,1N Jain, and SA QidwaiAnn Med Health Sci Res. 2013 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 349–354.
- Letter to editor,Short Term Renal Outcome of Bortezomib Based Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Requiring Dialysis, Alok Kumar Pandey,DhananjaiAgarwal, VinayRathore, GauravSekhar Sharma, Shyam Sunder Nowal, PankajBeniwal, Rajesh Jhorawat, VinayMalhotra, SanjeevSharma,Departments of Nephrology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Acute viral encephalitis clinical features and outcome: Experience from a tertiary center of North India,Sukriti Kumar1, Alok Kumar Pandey2, Manish Gutch3, Syed Mohd Razi3, Abhinav Gupta3, Nirdesh Jain2, Shobhit Shakya2, Keshav Kumar Gupta Year: 2015 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page: 262-266
- Spectrum of asymptomatic bacteriuria in renal allograft recipients and its short-term effect on graft outcome: Experience of a Tertiary Care Center from Northwest India, GauravShekhar Sharma, DhananjayAgarwal, VinayRathore, Alok Kumar Pandey, Rajesh Jhorawat, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, PankajBeniwal, VinayMalhotra. Year: 2019 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 1 | Page: 20-24.
- Life member – Association of physician of India (API),
- Life member – Research society for study of diabetes in India (RSSDI),
- Life member – Indian society of nephrology (ISN)
- Life member – Indian society of organ transplant (ISOT)
Medical Council Registration
- UPMC-55745
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