Dr. Rashmi Kapoor
Director Pediatric Critical care and Pulmonology, Regency Hospital, Kanpur
Director Regency Healthcare group, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Rashmi Kapoor
Director Pediatric Critical care and Pulmonology, Regency Hospital, Kanpur
Director Regency Healthcare group, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
About Doctor
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor heads the Department of Pediatrics at Regency Pediatric Critical Care and Pulmonology. A true pioneer in the field of pediatrics, Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is widely considered the best pediatrician in Kanpur. She became the first pediatrician to start Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy way back in 2007 and became the first person to do so in Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Rashmi Kapoor attained M.B.B.S from GSVM Medical College, Kanpur in 1980 and holds an MD in Pediatrics from the same institution. Over the last 3 decades, she has championed several initiatives in the field of pediatrics such as establishing the first-ever department of Pediatric Intensive care unit (PICU) in the state of Uttar Pradesh in 1998. In addition to this, she has also been the driving force behind developing a department of Pediatric pulmonology for the first time in the private sector in Uttar Pradesh in 2006.
She is the only pediatric intensivist with a particular interest in pediatric pulmonology and has done more than 1000 Pediatric flexible bronchoscopies making her the most trusted and best pediatrician in Kanpur. Over the last several years, she has successfully removed more than 300 foreign bodies from the airway of children by flexible bronchoscopy. Throughout her illustrious career, she has lent her expertise in Pediatrics at several premiere medical institutions across the world which include Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at British Columbia Children Hospital, Vancouver, Canada and Seattle Children’s Hospital, Washington. Along with these, she has also served at the Michigan Children Hospital, Ann Arbor, USA (Pediatric Pulmonology) Cincinnati Children Hospital, Ohio USA (Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy)
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Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is currently associated with Regency Hospital as a Director, Department of Pediatrics in Pediatric Critical Care and Pulmonology.
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is also the first pediatrician to start Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy in 2007 in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
- Pediatric Pulmonology, Michigan children hospital, Ann Arbor – USA – 2012.
- Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy under Dr. Robert E. Wood at Cincinnati children hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio USA – 2009.
- Pediatric intensive care – Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington – USA – 2009
- Pediatric intensive care – British Columbia Children Hospital PICU, Vancouver, Canada – 2005
- M.D – Pediatrics – GSVM Medical College Kanpur – 1984
- M.B.B.S – GSVM Medical College Kanpur – 1980She was the first one to start a department of Pediatric Intensive care unit (PICU) in the state of Uttar Pradesh in the year 1998 and developed department of Pediatric pulmonology for the first time in the private sector in the state in the year 2006.
Clinical Interests
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is the only pediatric intensivist with a special interest in pediatric pulmonology to have done more than 1000 Pediatric flexible bronchoscopies and she has removed more than 300 foreign bodies from the airway of children by flexible bronchoscopy.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has a special interest in pediatric chest radiology besides pediatric flexible bronchoscopy.
Place: Regency Hospital (Tower-1)
OPD Time: 12pm to 3pm
Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri
Place: Regency Superspeciality Clinic
OPD Time: 5pm to 7pm
Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, fri
OPD Time: 12pm to 2pm
Days: Thu & Sat
More about
Dr. Kapoor
- Academic Achievements
- Memberships
- Medical Council Registration
- Publications & Research
- Papers And Posters
- Presently
- Accomplishments & Awards
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor started 1st PICU in U.P. in 1995 at Regency Hospital Ltd., Kanpur.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor was the first pediatrician to start Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy in 2007 in the state of Uttar Pradesh. She does flexible bronchoscopy in children ranging from newborn to 18 years.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been invited to various National conferences on Pediatric Critical Care, as a faculty member.
- She is a :
- PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Instructor since 2002. Conducted various PALS courses all over U.P since 2001.
- Faculty Basic Pediatric Intensive Care since 2001
- Instructor PFCCS (Pediatric fundamental critical care society) since 2011
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been conducting Faculty simulation workshops since 2016
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been a teacher in the Pediatric critical care Council of India, an academic arm of the Intensive care chapter of IAP
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor was the:
- Organizing chairperson National conference of Pediatric critical care in Kanpur in 2004
- Organizing chairperson UPRESPICON 2017 at Kanpur
- Regency hospital runs an Accredited Center for Basic Life Support since 2018 under the leadership of Dr. Rashmi Kapoor
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has organized various workshops on;
- Pediatric ventilation,
- Pediatric Ultrasonography in Critical care
- Basic Pediatric Intensive care course
- ALS, and BLS.
- Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy
- President UP Respiratory chapter 2018-2019
- Running Fellowship in Pediatric critical care under the college of pediatric critical care, an academic arm of the Intensive care chapter of IAP
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor heads the DNB program in pediatrics
The vision and dream of having all subspecialties in pediatrics under one roof seen by Dr. Rashmi Kapoor have come true as the department of pediatrics at the Regency hospital is the only one in the state and one of the few in the country that has the largest pediatric subspecialties. This includes; Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive care, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric endocrinology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric rehabilitation, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Genetics, and department of fetal medicine.
- IAP Respiratory Chapter
- IAP Intensive Care Chapter
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
- Central IAP
- Kanpur IAP
- 25404
- Case Report “Fibrodysplasia Ossificans progressiva” Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, PM Gadre et al. Indian Pediatrics. Vol 69, August 1998, 786 – 788.
- Review Article, “Vitamin D and Bone Metabolism”. Pediatrics Today, Vol I, No2, Sept- oct 1998, 161 – 166.
- Review Article, “Raised Intracranial Pressure”. Pediatrics Today Vol III, No 5, May 2000, 361 – 368.
- Review Article, “Diabetic Ketoacidosis” Intensivist, Vol V, No 2-3 April – July 2002, 3 – 7.
- Clinical Brief, “Neonatal Boerhaave’s Syndrome with Duodenal Atresia”, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol 69, August 2002, 727 – 728.
- Review Article, “Acute Stridor “Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics, Vol. 8 No.1, Jan – March 2006, 27 – 34.
- Review Article “Respiratory Failure in PICU”, Pediatrics Today, Vol. X No 6 November – December 2007, 296 – 302.
- Short Communication, “Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease, Kanpur, India” Indian pediatrics volume 45, number 4, April 2008, 309 – 311.
- Review article “Severe Acute Pancreatitis” chapter 32, Pediatric Intensive Care a Specialty Journal of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Editors Udani, Ugra, Chugh and Khilnani. Jaypee brothers, first edition 2008
- Review Article,” Cardiotoxins” Indian Journal of Practical pediatrics. Vol ii, No 1, Jan – March 2009, 53 – 63.
- Comparison of Asthma knowledge, management and psychological burden among parents of asthmatic children from rural and urban neighborhoods in India. Rastogi D 1, Gupta S 2, Kapoor R3 .1Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein college of Medicine, Bronx, NY, and 2Regency Hospital Kanpur, India. J Asthma 46:911-5
- Review Article “Nephrotic Syndrome” Chapter 3, Recent Advances In Pediatrics – 20 Hot Topics. Editor Suraj Gupte. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. First Edition 2011: P- 44-66
- Congenital Tuberculosis, A case report. Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, et al. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonology. 2011; 24(4): 225).
- Review article “End of Life Issues” in Pediatric Intensive Care a Specialty Journal of Indian Academy of Pediatrics 2012
How useful are chest radiographs in the diagnosis of tachypneic children in India?
Seear, Michael; Children’s Hospital, Respirology, Intensive Care Gowraiah, Vishwanath; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Respirology Kapoor, Dr. Rashmi Kapoor; Regency Hospital, Paediatrics Awasthi, Shally; King George Medical University, Paediatrics Awasthi, Aradhana; Regency Hospital, Paediatrics Verma, Anilkumar; King George Medical University, Paediatrics Al-Shabibi, Saud; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Radiology Gowdy, Claire; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Radiology. Original Article 23-Dec-2014 European Respiratory Journal
- Predictive Accuracy of Chest radiographs in Diagnosing Tachypneic Children. Original Article. Michael Sear1.Shally Awasthi2.Vishwanath Gowraiah1.Dr. Rashmi Kapoor3.et al. Indian J Pediatrics DOI 10.1007/s 12098-016-2057-7
- Won the 2nd prize in a poster presentation at NCPCC new Delhi in 2005
“The profile of Poisoning cases at Regency hospital Kanpur”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Vineeta Tiwari
Department of pediatric critical care Regency Hospital Ltd. Kanpur, UP
- Poster presentation at the Annual conference of American Thoracic Society held In Toronto in May 2008.
“Parental perceptions of Asthma Severity and Control among Parents of Asthmatic Children in India”
Rastogi D1, Gupta S2, Kapoor R2, 1Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY and 2Regency Hospital, Kanpur, India
- Poster Presentation at the ERS conference in Barcelona in 2013
“Diagnosing pediatric pneumonia under low-resource conditions: the predictive value and reporting reproducibility of Chest X-rays”
V. Gowraiah, S. Shabibi, C. Gowdy, A. Awasthi, R. Kapoor, A. Verma, S. Awasthi, M. Seear (Vancouver, Canada; Kanpur, Lucknow, India) ERS BARCELONA 2013:
- Poster presentation at the 17th NCPCC held at Jaipur in 2015
“Alarming rates of cerebral edema at the presentation in children with diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA)- A case to ponder.”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Anurag Bajpai, Divya Agarwal, Abhishek Singh. Department of pediatric critical care, Regency Hospital, Kanpur.
- Posters presentation at 28th Respicon 2017 held at Bangalore
- “Congenital Malformations causing acute stridor in newborn and children.” Rashmi Kapoor, Tarun Chandra, Arvind Kumar. Department of ped pulmonology and critical care, Regency Hospital, Kanpur, UP
- “Respiratory Distress in Neonates- Tale of two neonates”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor Arvind Kumar Singh R Gupta *, Tarun Chandra -Department of Neonatology, Pediatric pulmonology & critical care & Pediatric surgery* Regency Hospital, Kanpur UP
- Poster presentation at International pediatric critical care conference of India at Hyderabad in 2018.
“Clinical Profile of Pediatric Head Injury – A Single Centre Experience
Hemang Mendpara, Tarun Chandra, Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Department of Paediatric Critical care, Regency Hospital Ltd., Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is Head, department of pediatrics, which has different subspecialties in pediatrics like; Pediatric pulmonology and Pediatric Critical care with 7 bedded PICU (accredited for fellowship in pediatric critical care), 8+2 bedded NICU, Neonatology, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric endocrinology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric hematology-oncology, Pediatric rehabilitation, Pediatric surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery, Genetics and department of fetal medicine, at Regency Hospital Sarvodaya Nagar, part of Regency health care group.regencyhealthcare.in
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is heading the DNB course in Pediatrics and fellowships in Pediatric Intensive care.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor established a school and a rehabilitation center for specially-abled children through her NGO “Amrita”. The school started in the year 2009 with two children. It is affiliated with the National trust. There are now around 80 children in the school. The rehabilitation center has professionally qualified occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, special educators, music teachers, and The vocational center at the school” Samarth” trains mentally challenged adolescents and adults on computers and enables them for data entry. She has been instrumental in employing children from “Samarth” at Regency hospital for data entry. Visit Amrita at www.amritassc.org.
- Academic Achievements
- Memberships
- Medical Council Registration
- Publications & Research
- Papers And Posters
- Presently
- Accomplishments & Awards
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor started 1st PICU in U.P. in 1995 at Regency Hospital Ltd., Kanpur.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor was the first pediatrician to start Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy in 2007 in the state of Uttar Pradesh. She does flexible bronchoscopy in children ranging from newborn to 18 years.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been invited to various National conferences on Pediatric Critical Care, as a faculty member.
- She is a :
- PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Instructor since 2002. Conducted various PALS courses all over U.P since 2001.
- Faculty Basic Pediatric Intensive Care since 2001
- Instructor PFCCS (Pediatric fundamental critical care society) since 2011
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been conducting Faculty simulation workshops since 2016
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has been a teacher in the Pediatric critical care Council of India, an academic arm of the Intensive care chapter of IAP
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor was the:
- Organizing chairperson National conference of Pediatric critical care in Kanpur in 2004
- Organizing chairperson UPRESPICON 2017 at Kanpur
- Regency hospital runs an Accredited Center for Basic Life Support since 2018 under the leadership of Dr. Rashmi Kapoor
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor has organized various workshops on;
- Pediatric ventilation,
- Pediatric Ultrasonography in Critical care
- Basic Pediatric Intensive care course
- ALS, and BLS.
- Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy
- President UP Respiratory chapter 2018-2019
- Running Fellowship in Pediatric critical care under the college of pediatric critical care, an academic arm of the Intensive care chapter of IAP
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor heads the DNB program in pediatrics
The vision and dream of having all subspecialties in pediatrics under one roof seen by Dr. Rashmi Kapoor have come true as the department of pediatrics at the Regency hospital is the only one in the state and one of the few in the country that has the largest pediatric subspecialties. This includes; Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive care, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric endocrinology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric rehabilitation, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Genetics, and department of fetal medicine.
- IAP Respiratory Chapter
- IAP Intensive Care Chapter
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
- Central IAP
- Kanpur IAP
- 25404
- Case Report “Fibrodysplasia Ossificans progressiva” Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, PM Gadre et al. Indian Pediatrics. Vol 69, August 1998, 786 – 788.
- Review Article, “Vitamin D and Bone Metabolism”. Pediatrics Today, Vol I, No2, Sept- oct 1998, 161 – 166.
- Review Article, “Raised Intracranial Pressure”. Pediatrics Today Vol III, No 5, May 2000, 361 – 368.
- Review Article, “Diabetic Ketoacidosis” Intensivist, Vol V, No 2-3 April – July 2002, 3 – 7.
- Clinical Brief, “Neonatal Boerhaave’s Syndrome with Duodenal Atresia”, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol 69, August 2002, 727 – 728.
- Review Article, “Acute Stridor “Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics, Vol. 8 No.1, Jan – March 2006, 27 – 34.
- Review Article “Respiratory Failure in PICU”, Pediatrics Today, Vol. X No 6 November – December 2007, 296 – 302.
- Short Communication, “Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease, Kanpur, India” Indian pediatrics volume 45, number 4, April 2008, 309 – 311.
- Review article “Severe Acute Pancreatitis” chapter 32, Pediatric Intensive Care a Specialty Journal of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Editors Udani, Ugra, Chugh and Khilnani. Jaypee brothers, first edition 2008
- Review Article,” Cardiotoxins” Indian Journal of Practical pediatrics. Vol ii, No 1, Jan – March 2009, 53 – 63.
- Comparison of Asthma knowledge, management and psychological burden among parents of asthmatic children from rural and urban neighborhoods in India. Rastogi D 1, Gupta S 2, Kapoor R3 .1Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein college of Medicine, Bronx, NY, and 2Regency Hospital Kanpur, India. J Asthma 46:911-5
- Review Article “Nephrotic Syndrome” Chapter 3, Recent Advances In Pediatrics – 20 Hot Topics. Editor Suraj Gupte. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. First Edition 2011: P- 44-66
- Congenital Tuberculosis, A case report. Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, et al. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonology. 2011; 24(4): 225).
- Review article “End of Life Issues” in Pediatric Intensive Care a Specialty Journal of Indian Academy of Pediatrics 2012
How useful are chest radiographs in the diagnosis of tachypneic children in India?
Seear, Michael; Children’s Hospital, Respirology, Intensive Care Gowraiah, Vishwanath; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Respirology Kapoor, Dr. Rashmi Kapoor; Regency Hospital, Paediatrics Awasthi, Shally; King George Medical University, Paediatrics Awasthi, Aradhana; Regency Hospital, Paediatrics Verma, Anilkumar; King George Medical University, Paediatrics Al-Shabibi, Saud; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Radiology Gowdy, Claire; BC’s Children’s Hospital, Radiology. Original Article 23-Dec-2014 European Respiratory Journal
- Predictive Accuracy of Chest radiographs in Diagnosing Tachypneic Children. Original Article. Michael Sear1.Shally Awasthi2.Vishwanath Gowraiah1.Dr. Rashmi Kapoor3.et al. Indian J Pediatrics DOI 10.1007/s 12098-016-2057-7
- Won the 2nd prize in a poster presentation at NCPCC new Delhi in 2005
“The profile of Poisoning cases at Regency hospital Kanpur”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Vineeta Tiwari
Department of pediatric critical care Regency Hospital Ltd. Kanpur, UP
- Poster presentation at the Annual conference of American Thoracic Society held In Toronto in May 2008.
“Parental perceptions of Asthma Severity and Control among Parents of Asthmatic Children in India”
Rastogi D1, Gupta S2, Kapoor R2, 1Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY and 2Regency Hospital, Kanpur, India
- Poster Presentation at the ERS conference in Barcelona in 2013
“Diagnosing pediatric pneumonia under low-resource conditions: the predictive value and reporting reproducibility of Chest X-rays”
V. Gowraiah, S. Shabibi, C. Gowdy, A. Awasthi, R. Kapoor, A. Verma, S. Awasthi, M. Seear (Vancouver, Canada; Kanpur, Lucknow, India) ERS BARCELONA 2013:
- Poster presentation at the 17th NCPCC held at Jaipur in 2015
“Alarming rates of cerebral edema at the presentation in children with diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA)- A case to ponder.”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Anurag Bajpai, Divya Agarwal, Abhishek Singh. Department of pediatric critical care, Regency Hospital, Kanpur.
- Posters presentation at 28th Respicon 2017 held at Bangalore
- “Congenital Malformations causing acute stridor in newborn and children.” Rashmi Kapoor, Tarun Chandra, Arvind Kumar. Department of ped pulmonology and critical care, Regency Hospital, Kanpur, UP
- “Respiratory Distress in Neonates- Tale of two neonates”
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor Arvind Kumar Singh R Gupta *, Tarun Chandra -Department of Neonatology, Pediatric pulmonology & critical care & Pediatric surgery* Regency Hospital, Kanpur UP
- Poster presentation at International pediatric critical care conference of India at Hyderabad in 2018.
“Clinical Profile of Pediatric Head Injury – A Single Centre Experience
Hemang Mendpara, Tarun Chandra, Dr. Rashmi Kapoor, Department of Paediatric Critical care, Regency Hospital Ltd., Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is Head, department of pediatrics, which has different subspecialties in pediatrics like; Pediatric pulmonology and Pediatric Critical care with 7 bedded PICU (accredited for fellowship in pediatric critical care), 8+2 bedded NICU, Neonatology, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric endocrinology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric hematology-oncology, Pediatric rehabilitation, Pediatric surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery, Genetics and department of fetal medicine, at Regency Hospital Sarvodaya Nagar, part of Regency health care group.regencyhealthcare.in
Dr. Rashmi Kapoor is heading the DNB course in Pediatrics and fellowships in Pediatric Intensive care.
- Dr. Rashmi Kapoor established a school and a rehabilitation center for specially-abled children through her NGO “Amrita”. The school started in the year 2009 with two children. It is affiliated with the National trust. There are now around 80 children in the school. The rehabilitation center has professionally qualified occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, special educators, music teachers, and The vocational center at the school” Samarth” trains mentally challenged adolescents and adults on computers and enables them for data entry. She has been instrumental in employing children from “Samarth” at Regency hospital for data entry. Visit Amrita at www.amritassc.org.
Frequently Asked Questions

- Where does Dr. Rashmi Kapoor Practice?
- How can I take Dr. Rashmi Kapoor’s appointment?
- How many years of experience does Dr. Rashmi Kapoor have?
- What are Dr. Rashmi Kapoor’s educational qualifications?