Mental Health

10 simple tips to keep your mind calm

July 26, 2022 0

Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life and each of us has our own way of handling it. While some people usually find some immediate stressbusters and are back to normal, others might struggle to maintain calm for longer periods. This leads to anger or even hypertension in many cases. Stress management is a key aspect of mental health and in today’s world, it has become even more critical to have a calm and composed approach in our lives. Here are 10 simple tips that can guide you on how to keep your mind calm.

Take a deep breath

You might think of it as a cliché but there’s a reason so many people preach this particular tip for staying calm. Various deep breathing techniques can be followed as a part of your daily meditation routine which will not just keep you calm, but also energize you. Focusing on each breath for just a couple of minutes can have a fantastic effect on your mind and has a terrific calming effect on you.

Take a break

Work-related stress can cause severe damage to your overall health. Hence it is important to keep it in check by taking periodic breaks. These breaks could be small walks, listening to your favourite music, or even taking a week-long holiday. Changing your daily schedule can have a great positive impact on your overall well-being.


Regular exercise can have a great impact on not just your physical health but on your mental health as well. Exercise brings routine and stability to your life. Once you notice positive physical changes in your body, your confidence levels rise and this can have a positive calming effect on you.

Watch something that you enjoy

All of us have a favourite movie or TV show that we like to watch repeatedly. It doesn’t matter how many times we have watched it, we still like to revisit it. We do so because we find great comfort and relaxation in it. Indulging in our favourite activities is a great stressbuster and it is advised to do more of it for a healthy mind. 

Focus on one task at a time   

While multitasking is seen as a special skill by many, it can at times lead to serious anxiety. Instead of taking this approach, focusing on one thing at a time can bring great peace to your mind. You can visualize and strategize better on the task at hand and don’t have to worry about other incomplete works. 

Have a to-do list

A to-do list is the best approach to have clarity and focus on the things at hand. It could be your office work or domestic errands that you need to run, knowing what lies next can have a great calming influence on you. 

Don’t suppress your emotions

Emotional outbursts can be a scary sight and can create an unpleasant scenario for us as well as others around us. These outbursts typically happen when we keep our feelings to ourselves and don’t express our likes and preferences regularly. Hence maintaining clear communication in every aspect of life can play a great role in keeping us calm in the long run. 

Learn delegation

We often lose our calm when we are overworked or burdened with too many things. This simple issue can be resolved if one learns to delegate tasks. Understanding and respecting boundaries when it comes to work is an absolute must and following this philosophy can avoid unnecessary confrontations.

Be flexible

There are times when things don’t work out our way. And we have to accept it and take it in our stride instead of getting worked out about it. Having a flexible approach to life can avoid unnecessary stress and bring calmness to our lives.

Have a plan B

An extension of the above point is having a backup plan for every scenario. Our plans are bound to fail at times but having a contingency for these situations can help us finish our tasks at hand and attain peace. 

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    10 simple tips to keep your mind calm
    Article Name
    10 simple tips to keep your mind calm
    Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life and each of us has our own way of handling it. While some people usually find some immediate stressbusters and are back to normal, others might struggle to maintain calm for longer periods.

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