5 Simple Ways to Manage Heart Disease

You merely don’t inherit skin color, height, or eye color through your genes, it can also be the probability of having a heart attack. Studies have indicated that, if heart diseases run in your family, then you are very likely to develop them too. Another disturbing factor is that there are many types of hereditary conditions such as congenital heart disease (at birth) to atherosclerotic (due to aging), all of them are hereditary.
But there is hope after all! A family history surely puts you at risk of developing heart disease, but it is all in your hands to overcome this risk and even eliminate it. Read this blog to know more!
Eat right:
A healthy diet is the single most important contributor to your health. If your diet is rich in fiber (whole grains, vegetables, fruits), rich in omega-3 fatty acids, reduced hydrogenated and trans fat, it works wonders for your heart. Stay away from processed and packaged foods and eat fresh as much as possible. Eating seasonal fruits, taking vitamin supplements if required, using olive oil, and drinking green tea go a long way in improving heart health. While these are good options for anybody, if you have a family history of heart disease, these become almost mandatory.
Daily Exercise:
In addition to processed and junk foods, lack of exercise is another major accelerator for heart disease. Take up a form of exercise that you enjoy and see the difference. Be it walking, cycling, jogging, or hitting the gym, work out a regimen that suits you and consistently work at it to see the best results.
Quit Smoking:
Smoking is one habit that damages the body in multiple ways. If there is a family history of heart disease, this accelerates the onset very rapidly. So, quit smoking, or at least reduce it to prevent the onset of heart disease.
Limit Alcohol Intake:
Just one sip of a beer or whiskey gives you an instant high but damages your life in the long run. In addition to alcoholic beverages, the accompanying fried and oily snacks are also a major culprit of clogging your arteries. Moderate or simply limiting your alcohol consumption is advised in case of a family history.
Stress Management:
Stress is believed to skyrocket heart disease, so if there is a prior family history too, firstly that needs to be managed. Secondly, unwind from your hectic life and see the difference. Meditation music, or exercise is possible that you may have inherited the chances of developing heart disease, or are currently a heart patient, the above-mentioned measures can help you prolong the onset, and if done exercise or enjoy with friends and family, take your pick out of these recommended activities.
In a nutshell, while religiously, control heart ailments too.
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