Smart ways to protect yourself against winter allergies

Winter is upon us and so is the “annual allergy fest”. If you suffer from prolonged episodes of itchy or watery eyes, stuffy nose, congestion, cough, irritated skin, and mild to severe headaches, then beware. You might be at risk of falling prey to allergies.
Do you know why allergies aggravate in winter?
While it’s usually springtime that people associate allergies with there are enough allergens present in the air during winter that can trigger as flare-up.
Winter brings frequent changes in the weather, which results in fluctuations of the barometric pressure. People with sinus issues are affected with it the most. The barometric pressure changes majorly affect the people suffering from sinusitis, by aggravating their symptoms. People suffering from sinusitis will have highly congested sinus cavities, and can also have sinus headaches.
Other reasons for the increase in allergies are:
- As most of the time is spent indoors in winter; this makes people more susceptible to indoor allergens such as dust mites, molds, and animal dander.
- As the windows are mostly kept closed in winter, it causes a lack of ventilation, which can also increase the chances of contracting allergies.
Tips to stay away from winter allergies!
- Cover your body –
If your body is exposed to a lower temperature, it gives a better chance and environment to viruses and fungi to survive and thrive. This can highly affect your immunity and can make you more prone to other seasonal allergies as well. Thus, avoid this by covering yourself up and keeping your body warm.
- Don’t keep your room too hot –
Ensure that the indoor temperature is comfortable. We often tend to use heaters too much inside our rooms but indoor temperature can become a great concern. That’s why never keep your room too hot or humid. Keep the temperature and humidity comfortable.
- More vacuuming –
The best solution to stay safe from allergens is to remove the carpets from your home. Vacuuming it more often can be helpful too. Vacuuming can get rid of the dead skin cells and other allergens. Generally, removing carpets will automatically control the development of allergens by removing the dust mites.
- Eat well –
Keep yourself fit and healthy by eating the right kind of nutritious foods. Low immunity is a major reason why your body has a low disease-fighting capacity. Incorporating nutritious foods in your diet can keep you healthy and boost your immunity. You can eat a lot of citrus fruits as they contain vitamin C which can help alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions. So, eat a lot of oranges, lemons, kiwis, etc.
- Lessen contact with pets/animals
If you have pets at your home, they can be a reason for aggravating allergies. Since your pets are always at home, there are more chances of you getting exposed to the allergens from your pets. Thus, it is necessary to groom your pets and give them weekly baths to wash away dander and other allergens from their fur. Clean your home daily to avoid pet hair and dead cells from accumulating on surfaces and floors.
- Fight molds to minimize indoor allergen exposure
Molds are one of the main reasons for allergies during winter. One of the most effective tips to keep you protected from winter allergies is to fix the leaking pipes and plumbing fixtures, which can make your walls humid and moist. Also, make arrangements for proper ventilation. Letting the sunlight in would keep spaces warm and reduce the spread of mold and its effects on your body.
- Pay attention to personal hygiene
Unhealthy hygiene habits can give you so many health issues, including allergies. Thus, be strict about your hygiene, especially during the winter season. Take care of yourself, be properly groomed, and keep your surroundings clean as well.
Winter is a time when we need to take extra care of our health. In this journey, Regency Healthcare, Kanpur, will always stand by your side.
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