Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms And Treatment

Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms And Treatment

November 7, 2019 0

Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system which helps in the production of the semen. As per a report, the incidences of prostate cancer are increasing rapidly in India and are likely to double by 2020.

Here’s all you need to know about prostate cancer:

Prostate cancer risk factors-

The risk of prostate cancer increases if you –

  • Are above 50 years of age.
  • Have a family history. The risk doubles if a brother has been affected by it, especially at a young age.
  • Have lynch syndrome – a genetic condition that multiplies the chances of certain cancers.
  • Eat a lot of red meat and high-fat foods.
  • Are obese.

Prostate cancer symptoms-

A person with prostate cancer may suffer from all or a combination of the following signs-

  • Troubles while urinating. Slow urination. Difficulty in starting the urine stream.
  • Urge to urinate more than normal, especially at nights.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Blood in semen or urine.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Loss of the ability to control or hold back urine or stool.
  • Numbness in the legs and feet.

Prostate cancer treatment-

Depending on the stage of the cancer and the age and overall health of the patient, the type of treatment is decided.

  • Treatment for Low-risk cancer – If the cancer is a slow-growing one; it’s spread only within the prostate, or cancer symptoms are not experienced (despite the presence of cancer cells), then active surveillance is used to treat cancer. It’s also used for men who are too old or have too many medical complications. Inactive surveillance, doctors constantly monitor your health reports in order to contain the cancer from spreading with minimum medical intervention.
  • Treatment for High-risk cancer-
    • Radical Prostatectomy – The prostate (and at times some lymph nodes) are removed through a surgery in order to prevent the cancer from spreading to the rest of the body.
    • Radioactive Therapy – For a couple of weeks, your body is exposed to high-intensity energy beams/ rays in order to kill the cancer cells. It can be done externally via machines or internally – a tiny radioactive seed is placed inside the prostate.
    • Hormone Therapy – To kill or reduce the profusion of cancer cells, the levels of testosterone are brought down because cancer cells depend on testosterone for their growth.
    • Chemotherapy – If hormone therapy doesn’t work, heavy oral or intravenous drugs are given to kill the cancer cells present wherever in the body.

If you possess any of the aforementioned risk-factors; observe any of the symptoms; or have any further doubts about prostate cancer, consult a reputed urologist today at Regency HealthCare – the leading multi-specialty hospital in Kanpur. Book an appointment now because the earlier the detection, the better the treatment.

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