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June 8, 2018 BlogCancer0

Cancer is one of the most feared and devastating illnesses one can suffer from. Prevention of cancer can indeed be achieved by adopting certain lifestyle habits to give you the best chance of not receiving this most dreaded diagnosis. These healthy lifestyle habits will be outlined here with suggestions on how to implement them successfully.


June 8, 2018 BlogCancer0

Quitting tobacco might be on your list of goals for many years. But as you know, the first few days are the hardest and the probability of relapsing is very high. More than 6 million people die worldwide every year due to tobacco use. Out of this, more than five million deaths are due to direct tobacco use and more than 600,000 are from second-hand exposure. Tobacco smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths, 17% of all heart disease deaths and at least 80% of deaths from bronchitis and emphysema.


June 8, 2018 BlogCancer0

The International Agency For Research In Cancer (IARC) states that more than 4000 types of chemicals are present in tobacco and the smoke produced by it.  Over 60 of these chemicals have been classified as carcinogens or also commonly addressed as cancer-causing particles. Tobacco use is a leading cause of cancer and death thereafter.

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