Understand Bulimia in Detail


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Bulimia nervosa (commonly known as bulimia) is an eating disorder and serious mental health problem. It is characterized by episodes of eating a large amount of food in very short periods of time, with a feeling that there is no control of this behavior. It is an irresistible compulsion. Following binges, there is the impulse to compensate for the behavior by purging – and this might include vomiting, induced by one’s finger or taking some medication, or going on a long run.


September 10, 2021 Blogpsychiatry0

There are a lot of things that we hear about suicide on social media and the internet, but the information can be conflicting at times. It can leave us feeling not only confused but also afraid to do or say the wrong thing and make individual problems worse or perpetuate the inaccurate information out there. 


August 6, 2020 Blogpsychiatry0

Two of the most common mental health disorders among people in the world are Depression and Anxiety. Both share a biological basis. Persistent states of anxiety or low moods like those experienced by people with clinical anxiety and mood disorders involve changes in neurotransmitter function. Low serotonin levels are thought to play a role in both, along with other brain chemicals such as dopamine and epinephrine.


March 2, 2020 Blogpsychiatry0

Even though in the last couple of years a lot has been talked about self-harm with a lot of people, especially young, sharing their personal accounts, the reality is that there is so much more that people don't know about self-harm. 


October 10, 2019 Blogpsychiatry0

A lot has been said and discussed about physical well- being but there is not enough conversation around mental well-being.  Being mentally fit is very important as it also controls how our body functions. World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as: “A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”


October 15, 2018 Blogpsychiatry0

We all are aware of numerous ways to take care of the body. But, what about taking care of your mind? Mental health is the way we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us. When we practice good mental health habits, it is easier to handle stress and other problems. Read this article to Learn about different ways to build good mental health.

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