What is Breast cancer?
Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting several thousands of women worldwide every year. It is one of the most prevalent malignancies among women and occurs when malignant cells in your breasts grow into tumours. Almost 80 % of all breast cancer cases are invasive which means the tumour spreads to other parts of the body.
Typically, women above 50 years of age are the most commonly affected due to breast cancer. Most cases of breast cancer start in the lobules (glands that produce milk) or ducts (parts that carry milk to the nipple). Breast cancer can spread through blood and lymph vessels outside of the breast. Breast cancer is termed to be metastasized when it extends to other body parts.
Types of Breast Cancer
Invasive ductal carcinoma– The cancer cells start in the ducts and spread to other areas of the breast tissue as they mature. Invasive cancer cells have the ability to metastasise, or spread, to different bodily regions.
Invasive lobular carcinoma– Cancer cells start in the lobules and subsequently spread to neighbouring breast tissues from the lobules. Different body parts.
What are the Causes of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer occurs from the mutation of breast cells into cancerous cells, which multiply into tumours. Study indicates that a number of risk factors could raise your risk of breast cancer. These consist of:
- Being a woman older than 50
- Family members suffering from breast cancer could enhance your chances of developing breast cancer
- Genetics- You are 15% likely to have breast cancer due to genetic mutations.
- Smoking and drinking
- Exposure to radiation
- Obesity
- Hormone replacement therapy
Breast Cancer Symptoms
Your breasts may be impacted by this condition in many ways. Certain symptoms of breast cancer are highly identifiable. Others can merely appear to be distinct sections of your breast from the rest. Additionally, in many cases, breast cancer may not show any signs at all. However, when it develops, the following symptoms could appear:
- Changes to the dimensions, form, or outline of your breasts.
- A lump that could have the consistency of a pea.
- A lump or thickening that stays through your menstrual cycle in your breast area or under your arms.
- A change to the way your breast or nipple’s skin appears or feels.
- Your skin could appear scaly, puckered, dimpled, or irritated. It might appear darker, redder, or purple than other areas of your breast.
- A solid, marble-like area beneath your skin. A clear or blood-stained fluid leaks from your nipple.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis
A physical examination is one of the first steps in the diagnosis of breast cancer. A clinical breast exam is performed by your physician to look for lumps or other abnormalities. It is essential to your regular examination. The physical diagnostic also includes examinations of the collarbone and underarm areas. They can suggest more testing if they discover any lumps that seem suspicious. These include:
- Mammogram
- Breast MRI
- Breast ultrasound
- Genetic tests
- Breast biopsy
Breast Cancer Treatment
Your doctor will base their decision on your breast cancer treatment on the type, size, stage, grade, and hormone sensitivity of the cancer cells. Your doctor also takes your personal preferences and general health into account. When breast cancer strikes, the majority of women have surgery, and many more endure post-operative chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or radiation treatment. In some cases, chemotherapy may be used before surgery. Making decisions about your treatment for breast cancer can be overwhelming, as there are a plethora of options available. Think about visiting a reputed multi super speciality hospital to get a second opinion from a specialist. Speak with other women who had to make the same choice.