Cancer, also known as malignancy, is the cell’s abnormal growth in any body part, be it skin, lung, colon, and even prostate. Contrary to popular belief, prostate cancer is a common medical condition, generally affecting men over the age of 50. In India alone, we had approx 30,185 cases of prostate cancer in 2020.
If diagnosed early, its treatment showcases a high success rate, so patients must consult a doctor as soon as they notice any symptoms. The prostate partakes in several critical body functions like:
- Breeding the fluid that transports and nourishes sperm
- Excreting a protein named PSA (prostate-specific antigen) to help semen maintain its liquid form
- Moderate urine control
The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland present under the urethra and the bladder. Although this is generally the area where cancer grows, it can spread to other body parts too. A lack of treatment can even result in death, making its treatment pivotal.
To avoid such adverse scenarios, read through and learn about prostate cancer, its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
What are symptoms for prostate cancer?
Under normal circumstances, the early stages of prostate cancer do not show any symptom or sign. Broadly there are two types of prostate cancers, non-aggressive and aggressive. While the former shows no explicit signs, the latter has some symptoms. They include:
- Frequent urges to use the restroom
- Pain while ejaculating
- Blood in semen or urine
- Trouble initiating and maintaining urination
- Pain during urination
- Erectile dysfunction
- Difficulty in sitting due to prostate enlargement
If you are suffering from advanced type, you can notice the following prostate cancer symptoms:
- Bone pain or fracture in shoulders, hips, or thighs
- Swelling in feet or legs
- Frequent bowel shifts
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Backache
Cause of Prostate Cancer
There is not much information on what causes prostate cancer, but it commences when the prostate cells experience a DNA change. Since the DNA holds the reigns of cells’ actions, it instructs them to spread quickly. This kills the normal cells while the abnormal ones survive.
While there is no definite cause behind prostate cancer, there are several risk factors involved:
Old Age
The chances of getting diagnosed with prostate cancer increases after the age of 50.
Inherited features like BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes increase the risk of getting infected with prostate cancer.
Ethnicity or Race
If you are a black male you have a high tendency of suffering from cancer as compared to Hispanic or Asian males.
Family History
The risk of getting infected increases if the men in your family have a history of prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
If you suffer from the abovementioned symptoms, you need to get medical help. The doctor will most likely:
- Inquire about the symptoms
- Ask for details regarding your medical and family history
- Assess your PSA levels via blood tests
- Conduct a urine test
- Undergo physical checkups, which can include DRE (digital rectal exam)
If the doctor notices some abnormal prostate cancer symptoms, you can be asked to undergo tests like:
- PCA3
- Transrectal Ultrasound
- Biopsy
The treatment of prostate cancer
The treatment depends on cancer’s stage and the accompanying risk factors. Since prostate cancer can also affect your fertility, the doctor will formulate a thorough plan to tackle the situation and offer viable fertility alternatives.
A method is known as “active surveillance” is undertaken in the case of non-aggressive prostate cancer. Under the process, your doctor simply monitors, observes, and waits for cancer to react.
Contrarily, if prostate cancer turns aggressive, it might have spread to other organs such as lymph nodes. Radiation therapy, cryotherapy, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy can be used for your treatment in such cases.
Regency Cancer Care
The doctors can perform prostatectomy surgery, leading to the partial or complete removal of the prostate gland. Both therapies and the surgery has a high success rate, so there is not much to worry about as long as you reach the professionals in time.
Regency Cancer Care has probed the condition and has dedicated an entire division to treat it. Regency Health’s healthcare solutions are on-par with the top medical institutes so that you can diagnose and treat prostate cancer in the most efficient way.