Why is Vitamin C important for your body?

Why is vitamin C important for us?


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Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is one of thirteen essential vitamins our bodies require to function and perform everyday tasks. It is mainly found in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons etc. While most animals produce Vitamin C in their bodies, our bodies are not equipped to produce vitamin C so, we need to regularly take in vitamin C for our bodies to perform bodily functions. 


The majority of people smoke all around the world. This causes harm to them and also their loved ones. The smoke, which is exhaled, causes health problems to others around them. In children, the smoke from passive smoking can cause acute respiratory infections, middle ear disease, severe asthma, and slow lung growth.


Every living thing has DNA- from plants to animals, to bacteria, and even to viruses which were once considered 'non-living'. Most importantly, we humans have it. You might have heard that DNA acts as a blueprint or recipe for a living thing but how? How on Earth can a mere molecule act as a blueprint for something as complex as a tree, a dog, or a dinosaur?


Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells. It carries oxygen to all parts of the body. As a result of thalassemia, your body makes less hemoglobin than normal. It consists of two different proteins, an alpha, and a beta. If the body doesn’t produce enough of either of these two proteins, the red blood cells do not form properly and cannot carry sufficient oxygen. The result is anemia that begins in early childhood and lasts throughout life.


The thyroid is one of the endocrine glands located in our neck right above the collarbone. The primary function of the thyroid gland is to secrete hormones into the bloodstream, enabling effective metabolism. The condition where the thyroid glands fail to secrete enough hormones is called hypothyroidism. Similarly, in some cases, thyroid glands secrete more than the required amounts of hormones and this condition is called Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid issues can be quite problematic if not treated on time and often result in fatigue, weight gain, poor metabolism, and even thyroid cancer.


It is true when they say that the state of mind affects one's state of health. The relationship between stress and illness is not a simple one, but there is a connection. The accumulated stresses of everyday life can damage your health in irreversible ways. These can be from early aging to heart problems to long-term disability. When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced. That is why anyone becomes more susceptible to infections.

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