5 Tips to keep a check on Mental Health

A lot has been said and discussed about physical well- being but there is not enough conversation around mental well-being. Being mentally fit is very important as it also controls how our body functions.
World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as: “A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
Here are 5 simple things that you can incorporate in your daily life to keep a healthy mind:
- Exercise
Now we all know that exercise is good for the body but did you know that exercise has a huge impact on your mental health as well?
Walking daily for at least 30 minutes is recommended, it doesn’t matter how intense your workout is, exercise improves your mood and decrease feelings of depression as it triggers changes in the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. It also acts as a catalyst that increases the production of endorphins, which is produces positive feelings and keeps your energy levels high.
- Diet
Keep a check on your food. Recent studies have shown that the quality of food you intake has a direct relation to your mental health. Processed food can cause the mind and body to feel lethargic and thus directly affects concentration, motivation, etc. Include foods rich in antioxidants & Vitamins.
- Do What You Love
It is important to spend some time every week doing something that you absolutely love. Rekindle the love for writing, swimming, cooking, singing or any other hobby that you had as a child. Indulging in something that you enjoy can greatly reduce stress and positively affect your mental well -being.
A hobby also gives us the opportunity to learn new skills & foster new connections.
- Prioritize Sleep
Prioritize your sleep, shutting eyes eight hours a day is not quality sleep, getting sleep that is restful is quality sleep and will ensure you’re energized for a productive day ahead.
Ensure that your room is cool, dark and refrain yourself from using gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, video games an hour before sleeping. Indulge in activities that induce restful sleep like exercise, mediation and have a balanced diet.
- Keep Stress at Bay
Don’t ignore stress. Take active measures to combat it.
Quick mediation, taking a few deep breaths can help release pressure off you right away, take a nature walk, play with your pet or try journal writing as a stress reducer. Also, do not forget to smile and see the humor in life.
Surround yourself with good people, make plans with supportive friends and family members, or join activities where you can meet new people, such as a club or support group.
Following the above-mentioned self-help steps will benefit you in staying and keeping mentally fit, however, if you do not feel mentally well do not hesitate to reach out to a professional for help. In fact, input from a professional can often help motivate us to take better care of ourselves.
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