Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

What Is Cervical Cancer?


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January 12, 2023 Blog0

Cervical cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the lower portion of the uterus that attaches to the vagina or the cervix. The development of cancer cells in this region leads to severe complications and cells can metastasize to other regions of the body. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and its strains are some of the primary reasons for the development of cervical cancer.


December 20, 2022 Blog0

Brain stroke is a potentially fatal condition that develops due to insufficient blood flow to areas of the brain. Brain stroke usually occurs due to either bleeding in the brain or a blocked artery. The brain cells in that location start to die from a lack of oxygen when there isn't a constant flow of blood. A brain stroke can happen across ages but some people are more at risk than others. Strokes are more prevalent as people age (about two-thirds of strokes happen in people over 65).


December 7, 2022 Blog0

Personal hygiene is one of the most important steps toward leading a healthy life and handwashing is one of the foremost steps towards maintaining the same. The importance of handwashing has been stressed several times, especially over the last couple of years where it proved to be one of the primary steps to prevent contamination from Covid. By not washing hands with soap and running water, many diseases and disorders can spread as our body becomes a breeding ground for different kinds of bacteria and germs. 


November 17, 2022 Blog0

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes repeated seizures. A seizure is usually a sudden altercation of bodily movements caused by sudden uncontrolled electrical impulses between the brain cells. The imbalance in electrical impulses becomes frequent resulting in seizures leading to epilepsy. 


November 13, 2022 Blog0

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that affects how our body converts food into energy. The food we consume is usually broken in into glucose which is then released into the bloodstream. Insulin that is released by the pancreas regulates the entry of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. For a patient suffering from diabetes, there is inadequate secretion of insulin resulting in various kinds of health issues. Diabetes can be broadly classified into type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.


November 11, 2022 Blog0

Pneumonia is a lung infection that causes air sacs of your lungs (alveoli) to get filled up with fluids causing severe difficulty in breathing. Apart from the difficulty in breathing, the fluids in the alveoli also result in severe cough, phlegm, high fever, and chills. If left untreated, Pneumonia can cause severe health complications. The impact of pneumonia can range from mild to extremely severe and can prove to be quite fatal if left untreated. Anyone can get affected by pneumonia and this is especially common in children below 2 years and adults above 65 years of age.


November 6, 2022 Blog0

The cases of Prostate Cancer are seeing a steep rise among men all over the world. Prostate cancer impacts the prostate gland, a small walnut-shaped organ located right below the urinary bladder in men. The primary function of our prostate gland is to produce fluids that nourish and transport sperm in men. Most prostate cancers are limited to the gland and don’t spread.


October 28, 2022 Blog0

A stroke is a medical condition when the blood supply to our brain is cut off. Constant blood flow to various body parts plays a vital role in their smooth functioning. When the blood flow to the brain is stopped, our brain cells can die causing an interruption in the functioning of several major body parts. As we age, our chances of getting a stroke increase.


October 15, 2022 Blog0

Anaesthesia is a treatment that protects the patient from feeling pain during a complex procedure or surgery. The medication used for this process is known as anaesthetics and different kinds of anaesthesia can be classified based on the impact they have on a patient’s body. Some anaesthetics induce painlessness in only a particular part of the body while there are others numb the brain to induce sleep during surgeries. Anaesthesia temporarily blocks the pain signals transmitted from nerves to the brain. Doing so sends the patient into a state of numbness for the duration of the treatment.

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