Types of diabetes and How to Manage it

What are the 4 types of diabetes?


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December 30, 2021 BlogDiabetes0

Diabetes is a medical condition where blood sugar levels are constantly higher than the normal range for an extended period. It is a chronic condition but needn’t be worried about as it can be managed through proper diet and medication. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body in the process of blood sugar regulation. When it comes to a diabetic person, one possibility would be the pancreas not producing enough insulin for the glucose to be regulated. There might be another possibility where the body does not use the produced insulin effectively to regulate blood sugar levels. 


August 11, 2021 BlogDiabetes0

In 2016, over 650 million adults were obese – 11% of men and 15% of women. That amounts to about 13% of the world’s adult population. Between 1975 and 2016, the worldwide prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled – with the most growth observed in Asia. Almost half of the children under 5 who were overweight or obese in 2019 lived in Asia.


February 24, 2021 BlogDiabetes0

Diabetes is a metabolic disease wherein the human body has abnormally increased glucose levels in the blood. This surge is due to the lack of insulin or the body’s inability to use insulin. The food we eat is digested and broken down to release glucose into the bloodstream. Meanwhile, the pancreas produces a hormone called ‘insulin’, which works to help the body’s cells absorb the glucose from the blood. In the case of diabetes, your body stops producing insulin or is unable to utilize the produced insulin.


May 29, 2020 BlogDiabetes0

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes; about 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. So what's happening in the body when type 2 diabetes is lurking? Your entire body runs on glucose to fuel everything from brain function to fingernail growth. The cells receive that glucose via the vehicle insulin. Thus without insulin (a hormone usually made by the pancreas), the entire body begins to lose the energy it needs to function properly.


December 21, 2018 BlogDiabetes0

The recovery process after a cardiac surgery can differ depending on varying procedures performed as part of patient’s operative treatment. Caring for wounds and keeping up good health is mandatory after the surgery. But did you know that diet plays a vital role in your recovery as well? Nutritious food is incredibly important after surgery.


June 8, 2018 BlogDiabetes0

A serious health disorder, Diabetes is the name used to describe a metabolic condition of having higher than normal blood sugar levels. In diabetes, the body’s ability to produce or use insulin is impaired. In the fight against diabetes, a healthy diet is a must. Read along to know healthy dietary options for people with diabetes and also for those who want to prevent diabetes.

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