Chronic Kidney Disease


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August 29, 2022 BlogNephrology0

Our body is a complex network of multiple organ systems working in tandem. Each organ has a specific function that is vital to our survival and any discrepancies in their functioning can lead to severe health complications. Out of these several body organs, our kidneys are one of the most critical ones and their improper functioning can prove to be quite fatal. Let’s dive deep into the functions of kidneys and what are the major kidney problems that a person suffers. Let us also find out about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments


August 10, 2022 Blog0

worldwide and the disease has spread to 90 countries as of now. India has also registered 9 confirmed cases far. Monkeypox has also seen an alarming rise in regions where there haven’t been any cases historically. This means the virus is spreading to newer regions at a rapid rate. Seeing the spread of the viral condition, World Health Organization has declared it a ‘Public Health Emergency Of International Concern’. 


July 26, 2022 Blog0

Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life and each of us has our own way of handling it. While some people usually find some immediate stressbusters and are back to normal, others might struggle to maintain calm for longer periods. This leads to anger or even hypertension in many cases. Stress management is a key aspect of mental health and in today’s world, it has become even more critical to have a calm and composed approach in our lives. Here are 10 simple tips that can guide you on how to keep your mind calm.


April 20, 2022 Blog0

Digesting food and absorbing nutrients from food are such common processes, that most of the time it's not even thought about. However, there are times when these processes can become more complex. That is when a person might encounter illnesses such as gastrointestinal conditions. Gastrointestinal conditions are some of the most common types of health challenges that patients face. Common gastrointestinal conditions include IBS, acid reflux, haemorrhoids and symptoms like diarrhoea and constipation. The condition can be caused by a number of things ranging from genetics to recent diet changes. This blog focuses on what causes gastrointestinal conditions and how to treat them.


April 12, 2022 Blog0

Rheumatic diseases are a group of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system. The following article will help you understand what rheumatic diseases are and their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments and preventions. Rheumatic diseases (RD) are the leading cause of disability among those 20-year to 40-year olds. 


April 5, 2022 Blog0

If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be wondering how to lower your blood sugar levels. One of the popular options is switching to a vegan diet that excludes all animal products. There are many different benefits associated with the vegan diet, but it's essential to consider if it will help with your condition before you make the switch. While there are some claims that it can help you control your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, limited research is available.


March 23, 2022 Blog0

Have you ever waited so long for a bathroom break that you thought your bladder would burst? Ignoring your body's warnings and holding your urine for an extended period might harm your bladder and overall health. Before reaching capacity, a healthy human bladder can retain between 400 and 500 milliliters of pee or roughly 2 cups. Even though a healthy bladder can stretch and accommodate higher volumes of urine, it's critical to urinate regularly.


February 14, 2022 Blog1

The song “All of me loves all of you” by the famous singer John Legend perfectly describes one of the most complex feelings we humans can possibly feel - Love. We are stuck here either trying to find love or figuring out the emotion of love itself. While we are in the lifelong process of figuring out what love actually is, we also experience many health advantages associated with this emotion. 


February 7, 2022 BlogEndocrinology0

Endocrine disorders are associated with the endocrine glands. Various endocrine glands in our body produce different hormones responsible for vital functions. The deficiency of respective hormones can cause several problems, called endocrine disorders. The endocrine system regulates glucose levels in the blood and manages growth, thyroid, sexual dysfunction, irregular menstrual cycles in women, and other hormonal imbalances. There are several risk factors and diseases associated with an irregular endocrine system. Some of them are mentioned below.

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