Know all about Pediatric Intensive Care Unit


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The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Regency Hospital has one of the best-equipped and staffed units in Uttar Pradesh run by an expert team of doctors who are available 24 x 7 on a rotation basis to care for sick pediatric patients. The department is managed by highly qualified and skilled team of senior consultants who are available round the clock on rotation basis to ensure that highest standards of care are given.


The department is managed by highly qualified and skilled team of senior consultants who are available round the clock on rotation basis to ensure highest standards of care. We have reputed Pediatric surgeons available round the clock. In addition, we have a Lactation counsellor so that mothers can breast feed the babies adequately. Services of occupational and physio therapists, who are specially trained in neonatal care are also available. The unit is also staffed with well trained, skilled and experienced nurses who form the backbone of our services.


March 30, 2019 BlogGastroenterology0

When it comes to digestive health, we should keep in mind that it is directly impacted by the foods we eat and the lifestyle we live. By employing some healthy habits, our digestive system can function more efficiently, improving our overall health and sense of well-being. If you want to know how to increase digestive power, read about these healthy habits: Eat a high-fiber diet. Consuming a diet that’s high in fiber and rich in whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits can improve your digestive power.


February 8, 2019 BlogCancer0

One of the most common causes of mortality all over the world, cancer has spread across all demographics, age, and gender. It is estimated that 2.25 million people in India are diagnosed with cancer every year, and over 7,84,821 people die of cancer every year. Research studies have proven that certain changes in lifestyle and diet can greatly reduce the risk of cancer.


January 18, 2019 BlogCancer0

One of the biggest endocrine glands, the thyroid gland affects almost every cell in the human body. It is responsible for the regulation of the metabolism and weight by controlling the fat-burning process. Apart from this, thyroid hormones are also required for the growth and development of children and in nearly every physiological process in the body. Weighing somewhere between 20 and 60 grams, the thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland found inside the neck, right under the larynx or voice box.


January 4, 2019 BlogCancerGynaecology0

Of all the cancers affecting women, cervical cancer has become the second most commonly known cause of cancer-related deaths in India. On an average, there are about 122,000 new cases of cervical cancer detected annually in our country, out of which 67,500 women succumb to the disease due to lack of knowledge about it.

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