Why you should take Gastrointestinal disorders seriously

what are gastrointestinal disorders


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August 16, 2018 BlogGeneral0

The prime reason for donor shortage in India is the widespread myths and misconceptions clouding the issue, particularly among those who have not personally encountered transplant recipients or family members of donors. This misinformation deters people from becoming donors. Organ transplants can easily save many lives, but there is a severe shortage of donors in our country.


August 16, 2018 BlogGastroenterology0

Hepatitis refers to liver inflammation, commonly caused due to viral infection, but there are other causes of hepatitis. They vary from autoimmune hepatitis to non-viral modes such as- medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol. What are the 5 types of Hepatitis? Viral hepatitis includes hepatitis virus  A, B, C, D, and E. These strains of the virus are responsible for each type of virally transmitted hepatitis.


August 16, 2018 BlogGastroenterology0

Chocolate is a food loved all over the world by cultures of all kind. Chocolate has been known to provide antioxidant support and can improve heart health. It is one of the go-to sources of plant-based iron, magnesium, and chromium in quite a small serving. It contains mood and libido boosting agents, helps fight arterial plaque, and even regulates blood pressure and blood sugar.


August 16, 2018 BlogOphthalmology0

Cataract often known as Motiabindu refers to a cloudy formation in the lens of the eye. A cataract begins to develop when proteins in the eye form clusters that prevent the lens from sending clear images to the retina. A cataract is usually caused by our body’s natural aging process, but it can be the result of heredity or eye injury as well. This blog will provide you with all the information you need to know about Cataract.


August 3, 2018 BlogCancer0

Lung cancer is a tricky condition because it is often asymptomatic, or invisible until it has become more advanced. If you are worried about developing lung cancer or are worried about a loved one, here are some early signs to watch out for:-


June 14, 2018 BlogGeneral0

As the winter season makes its entry, many changes occur in our bodies in response to the sudden drop in temperatures. These changes can affect a person’s physical,  mental health, and well-being and may worsen the symptoms of existing disorders. Let’s understand how falling temperatures can affect our bodies and how we can combat these conditions.

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