Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Risk Factors, Treatment

Best Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer


Your guide to all the latest updates about the trending health topics.


October 27, 2023 Blog0

Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting several thousands of women worldwide every year. It is one of the most prevalent malignancies among women and occurs when malignant cells in your breasts grow into tumours. Almost 80 % of all breast cancer cases are invasive which means the tumour spreads to other parts of the body. 


ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), is a form of mechanical life support that can assist someone whose heart or lungs or both aren't working properly. This process works through a series of devices that continuously pump blood out of your body, add oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide through an artificial lung menbrane. The blood is then pumped back into the body by the machine. In order to allow the heart and lungs to rest and recover from a severe respiratory infection, heart attack, or chest/ cardiac trauma, ECMO therapy can be extremely beneficial.


October 16, 2023 BlogCancer0

Your health is greatly impacted by early detection and screening for breast cancer. Screenings can detect breast cancer in its early stages and increase the chance of treatment and survival. Learning about breast cancer screening tests and the significance of early breast cancer diagnosis can help you take control of your life ahead. 


October 9, 2023 Blog0

In today’s fast-paced life, we often tend to avoid self-care and place our physical and mental health in the back seat. This negligence can cause havoc in our lives and lead to severe health complications. When it comes to taking care of one’s health, the well-being of the heart should be the foremost priority. This comprehensive guide will delve into the importance of consistent cardiac evaluations and how these check-ups can aid in maintaining a healthy heart.


September 28, 2023 BlogCardiology0

Although the majority of people are aware that a healthy diet and regular exercise help maintain our hearts in excellent shape, very few of us actually follow this advice. Cardiovascular diseases are less frequent and fatal when people lead physically active lifestyles and consume balanced diets.


September 28, 2023 BlogCancer0

Skin cancer may manifest in abnormal growth of skin cells in areas that gain exposure to the sun. Yet, it is not uncommon to observe them in areas that are otherwise hidden from sun exposure. Depending on the type of cells involved in the formation of skin cancer, three broad categories may emerge.


September 21, 2023 BlogNeurology0

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological condition that destroys neurons and synapses, impairing memory and cognitive function. Alzheimer's disease also causes a deterioration in several behavioural and social abilities. The early stages of Alzheimer's disease typically begin in a person's 60s and last for the remainder of their lives. If Alzheimer's is not treated in the early stages, it frequently develops into dementia and can be fatal. 


September 17, 2023 Blog0

Providing top-class healthcare to the patients is just half the task done. Doing so in a safe and hazard-free manner is what makes quality healthcare truly successful. According to the World Health Organization, a shocking 4 out of 10 patients face harm in ambulatory and primary settings worldwide. In addition to this, around 134 million adverse incidents happen across the world leading to almost 2.6 million deaths. These incidents can be avoided with stringent safety measures and wider public awareness.


September 8, 2023 Blog0

Suicide is an extremely unfortunate act that is made all the more tragic by the fact that it is completely preventable. To do so, understanding the signs of suicide, its warning signs, and reading a person’s behaviour are of paramount importance. All essential assistance and direction must be given to anyone who is contemplating suicide in order to help them change their mind. Timely action on this subject can save your or your loved one’s lives.

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