All You Need To Know About UTIs

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is one of the most prevalent types of bacterial infections in the world. Every other woman is at risk of getting a UTI at least once in her life.
Here’s all you need to know about UTIs:
Fact 1: The Symptoms of UTIs
Have you ever experienced a burning or stinging sensation while urinating? This is one of the most obvious and prominent signs of a UTI. The need to urinate frequently; unclear, cloudy urine; bad-smelling urine; and discomfort in the lower abdomen are the other major symptoms of a UTI. Some may also experience irritation, fatigue, low-grade fever, and dribbling urine stream.
Fact 2: The Causes of UTIs
The UTI-causing bacteria can enter the urinary tract due to poor hygiene – not cleaning your behind properly and allowing stool or excreta to enter the external urethra orifice (from where the urine comes out). If either partner is infected with the bacteria, having sex can push the germs further into the body in women. Not drinking adequate water; using catheters; using a diaphragm; a blockage in the urinary tract due to kidney stones, constipation, and an enlarged prostate gland are some of the other causes of UTIs.
Fact 3: The Types of UTIs
Urethritis is the UTI of the urethra. When the infection moves up into the urinary bladder it is cystitis. When the infection spreads further up to the kidneys it is classified as pyelonephritis. This can lead to permanent damage to the kidneys. That is why, you should consult your doctor immediately for UTI treatment, as soon as you observe any of the symptoms to avoid the infection from spreading upwards.
Fact 4: The Treatment of UTIs
Regular UTIs can be cured within 3 to 7 days with the help of doctor-prescribed anti-biotic tablets and precautions.
Fact 5: The Preventive Measures of UTIs
Women need to be more careful as they are more susceptible to UTIs due to their urinary bladder and anus being near their external urethra orifice as compared to that of men.
Here’s the do’s:
- Both partners are advised to pee and wash their private parts, immediately before and after sex. Avoid anal sex. Vaginal sex immediately after anal sex is inadvisable.
- Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is ideal but a lot depends on your level of physical activity and the weather.
- After visiting the loo wipe your lower parts from front to back (urethra to anus) direction.
- Wear cotton-based, comfortable underwear.
- Make sure you empty your bladder properly while urinating.
Here are the don’ts:
- Try to avoid holding your urine.
- Avoid tight jeans
- Avoid synthetic-based underwear
- Scented soaps, perfumes, and talcum powder shouldn’t come in contact with your private parts.
If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, don’t ignore them. Seek the opinion of a proficient specialist today itself, only at Kanpur’s no.1 healthcare provider, Regency Healthcare. Click here to book your appointment now.